August 2023 Release


Dash Onboard

Downloading Paper Consents

Consents that require a physical signature from your candidates will be clearly identified with a pen icon when you order screens. These consents will be download-able for you so you can print it for the candidate if necessary, but the candidate will also be sent the paper consent as an attachment.

Uploading Paper Consents

Paper consents can be uploaded by recruiters to the Document tab of a candidate instead of having the candidate upload it, so the screening process doesn't get delayed.

Using License Images to Improve Data

When license images are uploaded during the application process, we'll validate that the data on the license matches the name and date of birth match what was previously provided by the candidate. This will reduce errors and prevent screening errors caused by bad data.

Infrastructure Icon (1).png


Credit Card Processing Upgrade

We've upgraded our credit card processing platform to better serve you. As a result, you might be asked to re-enter credit card data you had previously stored with us.


Drug & Alcohol

Past Drug Testing Results

As a customer who no longer uses Foley for drug testing, you'll have continued access to your historical drug test results in the Drug & Alcohol program page.

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