Add or Edit Candidate Data

Once a candidate has been added to a job, their data can be modified in the recruiter view as long as the application has not been signed.

  1. Navigate to the Candidates page using the link in the left navigation
  2. Select a candidate from the list
  3. Expand a section to reveal the Edit button
  4. Click Save to save that section

Note: Changes made to the application by someone other than the candidate will be highlighted for the candidate on the last step of the application process to ensure accuracy.

Unlocking the Application

Once the candidate signs the application as "true and complete," it can no longer be edited. A link will appear at the top of signed application to Unlock Application.

Clicking this link will trigger an email to the candidate requesting a new signature.

  1. Click Unlock Application
  2. A popup will appear so you can let the candidate know why the application is being unlocked
  3. The candidate will receive an email with your note and a link to the application. You'll be able to edit the application at this point or you can use the note to ask the candidate to correct information.
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