Order Screens for Dash Candidates

  1. Navigate to Candidates and select the candidate for whom you'd like to order screenings
  2. The Up Next card on the right side of the page will show an option to Order Next Screens if the next stage for the candidate is screening.
    • Alternatively, navigate to the Screening tab and click Order Next Screens
    • We recommend using the Order Next Screens option over manually selecting screens to ensure all candidates for a given job are screened the same way.
  3. The first step will show you available screens to order with those screens defined for the current phase pre-selected.
  4. Next, you'll have an opportunity to review the candidate data relevant to the selected screens. Missing data will be highlighted, but no need to panic if anything is missing. When you order the screens, we'll send an email to the candidate requesting any missing data.
  5. If a drug test or physical is included in your order, you'll see options to set expiration dates, select panels (for drug-free workplace) and selecting a test site. You can also choose to have the candidate select a site.
  6. The final step will show you a list of required consents/disclosures to run the selected screens. You can choose to have the candidate complete the consents or let us know that you already have them.
  7. Click Order Screens and we'll handle the rest!

Up Next: Review Screening Results

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