Create and Manage Administrators

These instructions will guide you in creating, modifying and removing users who have administrator privileges in the Foley portal (known as Contacts).

Create a Contact

  1. Click the Accounts Settings link on the top navigation
  2. On the left side of the screen, you'll see a Manage Contacts and Users section with a list of current Contacts. Click Add New.
  3. You'll see three options:
    1. Convert an Employee to an Employee + Contact: use this option if you'd like to convert an existing employee already in the Foley portal to also be an administrator.
    2. Re-Activate an Existing Inactive Contact: if you have a contact you previously changed to inactive, use this option.
    3. Create a New Contact: this option is for adding someone who doesn't exist in your portal account at all. Continue to step 4 for more on this option.
  4. Fill in the First and Last Name fields and Email Address.
  5. Select permissions for the user. Descriptions for each permission can be found below or by hovering over the tooltips on the screen.
  6. Once you've selected all the permissions, click Save New Contact.
  7. The person you just added can log in by going to the login page, entering his/her email address and clicking Need to Reset Password. 


Manage Existing Contacts

  1. Click the Accounts Settings link on the top navigation.
  2. On the left side of the screen, you'll see a Manage Contacts and Users section with a list of current Contacts.
  3. Select a contact from the list you want to modify.
  4. Change the permissions as necessary or use the Suspend button to turn off all administrator access.

Permission Definitions

  • Administrator - access to all modules, employees, and reporting in the portal
  • ATS Administrator - full, unrestricted access to the applicant tracking system
  • ATS Document Associate - can view basic application information as well as manage notes and documents
  • ATS Recruiter - view applicant information including pre-employment screenings and progress their statuses forward
  • Manage Account - user can modify account settings and create/update/remove administrator privileges for contacts on the account 
  • Manage Candidates - full, unrestricted access to candidates in the Candidate module
  • Manage Clearinghouse - access to view current and past Clearinghouse query results for all employees
  • Manage Employees - add, view, update, delete employees in the account
  • Manage Employees No SSN - add, update, delete employees in the account without seeing SSN
  • Manage Files - manage driver files for all employees or candidates (must be coupled with either Manage Employees or Manage Candidates or both)
  • Manage Occupational Health - access to view basic physical results and order physicals for employees in the account
  • Order a Motor Vehicle Report - order an on-demand MVR (Manage Files access is required to see results)
  • Schedule Drug & Alcohol Tests - schedule ad hoc drug/alcohol tests for existing employees
  • View Background Check Results - view background check results for an employee or candidate (must be coupled with either Manage Employees or Manage Candidates or both)
  • View Drug & Alcohol Non-Negative Test Results - view drug/alcohol test results that returned a non-negative (positive) result
  • View Drug & Alcohol Notifications - view drug and alcohol notifications
  • View Drug & Alcohol Test Results - unrestricted view of all drug/alcohol test results
  • View Occupational Health Detailed Results - view long-form results of physicals (must be turned on with Manage Occupational Health)

Up Next: Reset a Password

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