Alerts and Notifications Basics

The Alerts and Notifications panel on the Foley portal dashboard gives you a quick view of compliance items that require your attention. We use icons to help you see which alerts are most critical.

  • Alert - Urgent action that requires your immediate attention to resolve gaps in your compliance
  • Notification - Upcoming actions not immediately impacting your compliance
Icons Type Description
Alerts-Combined.png Alert These icons indicate varying levels of criticality for items requiring your immediate action
Warnings-Combined.png Notification Items with these icons have time before they need to be addressed
Cleared.png Notification You'll see this green check for completed screenings that are ready for review

You may see these icons appear with an 'A' in the corner. That means the alert/notification is not associated with a specific individual, but rather your account as a whole.

Up next: Understanding Your Compliance Score

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