Log In to the Foley Platform

Portal Login: https://login.foleyservices.com/

First-Time Users

If you've not logged into the platform before, follow these instructions to create a password.

Before you begin:

  • You'll need to know what email address was used to set up your access.
  • You'll need access to that inbox.
  1. Enter your email address in the Email Address field
  2. Click the "Need to Reset Password? Click Here." link
  3. You'll receive an email from customer.service@foleyservices.com with a link to set your password. Click the link in the email.
  4. Set and confirm your new password. Click Set New Password


You'll be asked to log in with your new credentials under Current Customers after that and you're all set!

Current Users

Once you've been granted access to the Foley platform, you can log in to manage your employees, programs, and screenings.

Enter your credentials on the Current Customers side of the page.

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